Sensors integrated into building construction
Manni Group, an industrial company with over 70 years of history, that promotes innovation in the processing and use of steel in the dry construction sector and is based in Verona, has decided to entrust UpSens with two projects concerning the development of solutions in the field of connected environmental sensors, applied to buildings.
The first project sees the collaboration of UpSens with the company Isopan, one of the world leaders in the production of insulating metal panels for walls and roofs, for the development of an innovative cylinder sensor to be integrated into the insulating panel. A state-of-the-art solution with application in various categories of buildings, from those related to logistics to cold rooms to enhance energy and safety performance, throughout the product life cycle.
Il primo progetto vede la collaborazione di UpSens con l’azienda Isopan, uno dei protagonisti mondiali nella produzione di pannelli metallici isolanti per pareti e coperture, per lo sviluppo di un innovativo sensore a cilindro da integrare nel pannello isolante. Una soluzione all’avanguardia con applicazione in svariate categorie di edifici, da quelli legati alla logistica alle celle frigo per valorizzare le prestazioni energetiche e di sicurezza, lungo tutto il ciclo di vita del prodotto.

The second project established a multi-year collaboration, on a scientific and technological research project, applied to the smart building sector and led by Manni GreenTech.
The following project objectives involve UpSens:
- The study of new systems for sustainable construction, through the integration of IoT platforms, sensors, alternative materials to increase and encourage a green approach in the construction sector.
- The development of sensor solutions for the building envelope equipped with wireless and energy harvesting technologies, to push the use of big data in the building sector with a sustainable approach.

Cooking Care
The collaboration with Elica began in 2018. The Italian multinational company based in Fabriano, world leader in the production of cooker hoods for the residential sector, has decided to start collaborating with UpSens thanks to the recognised expertise of the UpSens team, relating to the study and development of customised solutions of connected sensors, for the detection of indoor environmental parameters.
The combination of a multi-sensor device, developed ad hoc, with advanced functions, based on the creation of a neural network and the implementation of algorithms built on the logic of Artificial Intelligence, have made it possible to create an innovative solution, integrated into the kitchen hood to support and guide the end user during cooking.
The module developed by UpSens enhances the level of safety for the consumers and helps to improve the “performance” of the person who is cooking. Overall, an innovative smart cooking experience.

In 2019, UpSens launched a shared innovation project with Cattolica Assicurazioni, a leading player in the Italian insurance market. The meeting between Cattolica’s business needs and the innovative capacity of UpSens took place thanks to the ELIS Consortium, a non-profit consulting company and training centre, and the OPEN ITALY co-innovation and acceleration platform.
The goal from the outset was to develop a new specific solution that, through sensors for the analysis of air quality, could recognise and report pollution situations in indoor spaces. The solution was designed to be integrated into Cattolica’s Active Casa&Persona policy, which provides subscribers with a wide range of services and assistance for personal protection.
The solution was developed together with the technological partner Fair Connect, combining the normal insurance coverage, offered by Cattolica, with a technological proposal with high added value, able to meet the prevention and health needs of customers inside their homes.